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Creating our energy future

The role of natural gas in the U.S.

Second only to China in energy consumption, the U.S. 利用各种能源来支持其大约3.3亿人口. Prominent in that energy mix is natural gas, thanks to its local abundance, affordability, reliability and lower emissions compared with other hydrocarbons.



World's largest natural gas producer

美国.S. is the largest natural gas-producing country in the world, 来自阿巴拉契亚地区的Marcellus和Utica页岩地层以及路易斯安那州和东德克萨斯州的Haynesville页岩地层. In fact, the U.S. Geologic Survey estimates the Appalachian formations hold an estimated mean of 214 trillion cubic feet 未发现的、技术上可开采的连续天然气资源. 钻井和开采技术的进步使得以合理的成本安全生产大量天然气成为可能, offering a local supply source for consumers.


Growing demand from consumers

Consumption of natural gas in the U.S. has grown alongside production. Long used to heat homes and fuel the industrial sector, 近年来,天然气已成为发电的主要燃料来源. 最近的几个数据点反映了这一显著变化 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA):

  • Natural gas consumption actually grew 2% in April 2020 vs. a year earlier.
    This came during the same month that overall U.S. 能源消耗降至30多年来的最低水平. Likely affected by stay-at-home orders, 2020年4月,居民天然气消费量比去年同期增长15%. a year earlier.
  • 2020年上半年,美国本土48个州的天然气发电量同比增长9%. a year earlier.
    Natural gas generators now make up largest share of U.S. electricity generation capacity.
  • 在美国,已有100多家燃煤电厂被取代或转换为天然气.S. 自2011年以来.
    发电厂从煤炭转向天然气的决定是由更严格的排放标准推动的, low natural gas prices, and more efficient natural gas turbine technology.


Stability as renewables evolve

“天然气是一种关键的发电资源,因为它具有随时供电的灵活性, including at times of peak demand,” EIA explains. 这与一些可再生能源技术和核电厂形成鲜明对比,它们可能无法调整发电量以满足电力负荷的变化.

随着可再生能源技术的发展和在美国承担更多的发电能力.S. 在电力行业,天然气将继续作为美国经济增长的关键.S. 能源组合——确保我们的社区在最需要的时候有灯.


Assurance in natural gas

Watch how natural gas has our backs. 当可再生能源没有足够的能量储存时,它提供能量, to help us keep up with our modern lifestyles.




Natural gas explained | U.S. Energy Information Administration

Natural gas in the U.S. | U.S. Department of Energy